Cooper is growing up so fast. I thought I would update on some of his new favorite things to do. My personal favorite is when he says his prayers. For a few of months he has been folding his arms during prayers and saying amen at the end of each one, but in the last few weeks he has started saying them. It started with Matt asking him at dinner if he wanted to say the prayer. His eyes got all big and he said, "yes." Matt tells Cooper what to say and after each thing, Cooper shakes his head yes. The other day at dinner Cooper was saying the prayers and Matt told him to bless the food. He did is regular, shake his head yes then paused for a minute and said, "NO." It was so funny. He didn't want to bless the food. Now I will catch him all throughout the day with his arms folded whispering for about 30 seconds and then hear him say, "AMEN." He is so stinking cute! He says his prayers every night before bed already. My heart just melts every time. I can't believe how fast he is growing up.
Cooper is still singing away. Some of his favorite songs right now are, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam, ABC's, The Wheels on the Bus, Elmo's Song, If you are Happy and You Know It, and the hot dog song from Mickey Mose Club House. He is saying about 10 new words each day. It is amazing how quickly they learn. He loves babies and is always saying, "Where's baby Blake?" Blake is my friends baby I get to watch twice a week. He has been going to nursery for 2 weeks now and is in heaven there. He hasn't cried once!
Cooper tells me probably 20 times a day that he loves me. We can't get him to say sorry or please for the life of us though. Every time we ask him to say either of those words, he says, "I LOVE YOU!" It is so hard to resist that so most of the time that passes for sorry or please. We even tell him to say pa and then lease. He will say pa, but when you tell him to say lease he just says, "I LOVE YOU." Cute little stinker!
Anyways, I just wanted to talk about my little angel for a minute. He is WONDERFUL!!!!