So, I did it. This is a picture at 23 weeks. More than half way there. I am so excited to hold this little guy. I am already to the point where I just want to snuggle him. It will be a long 17 weeks.
I think I have posted before about how much Cooper loves horses right now, but his love is just growing stronger and stronger. He goes to my brothers house twice a week and the whole time he is there, he rides their stuffed animal horses. I am not exaggerating when I say the whole time. No wonder he is so skinny. Matt and I have been looking for a big stuffed animal horse for Cooper to ride at our house and they have been impossible to find...until yesterday! Matt took Cooper for a boys day at Cabelas (again, Cooper loves the animals) and Matt found one! Cooper hasn't stopped talking about his new horsey ever since. His horse has to sit with him for breakfast and he also tucked him in for bed last night. Super cute! Here is Cooper and his new favorite thing!!!
6 years ago