I can't believe my sweet baby has been a part of my life for a year. It has been the best year ever! Matt and I couldn't have imagined parenting bringing such great joy into our lives. He is such a sweet baby and we are so blessed to have him in our lives for eternity. He is taking about 10 steps and then sits down. He can get around so much faster crawling so he turns to that after walking for a few steps. He is saying mom, dada, dad, daddy, apple, and he had an entire day of saying a-oh, and then decided he never wanted to say it again. I am pretty sure he doesn't know what he is saying when he says those words other than dad. He rolls it (from patty cake), and pulls the funniest faces you could ever imagine. Some of his favorite things to do are crawl up the stairs (the monkey can go up the stairs way faster than I can), banging things, singing songs, and reading books. His one year stats are height 30" which is the 58th % and weight is 21 pounds which is 24th%.
I wish we could have invited everyone to his one year party but our house is too small and couldn't fit everyone. So, we had a family party and boy was Cooper excited. He sat and sqealed for around an hour after everyone got to our house. He was thrilled to have a party and be the center of attention. He kept all of us laughing.
Matt did such a great job decorating.
Bet you can't guess how Cooper felt about his birthday hat. Needless to say he never wore it.
I think Cooper was a little confused when everyone started singing to him, what do you think?
He sure did have fun digging into his cake.
Someones mouth is full.
What a cutie!
This is what it looked like right before I took it away from him. He had way too much sugar and I am mad at everyone that said we were going to have a fun night. It was the worst night ever!!! He had the worst tummy ache from eating so much sugar and didn't sleep at all. That was a rough night but what a fun day. I am so grateful for my Cooper!!!!
6 years ago