Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My poor husband!

So most of you know that I have always talked and walked in my sleep. Well, the other night Matt woke up so tired and I couldn't figure out why.

Matt fell asleep around 1:30 am. At 2:30 he woke up to me shaking him and yelling his name. He was very groggy and just asked what I needed. I told him in a panic that we forgot to brush Coopers teeth. Matt proceeded to tell me that Cooper didn't have teeth. I got very frustrated and told him that he did have teeth and it is not acceptable for us to forget to brush them. To try and get me to shut up, Matt told me that he did brush Cooper's teeth and that we didn't need to do it again. Apparently that made me upset because I then told him he was lying to me and he was only saying that because he was lazy and didn't want to get up and do it. So I went to get Cooper out of bed and Matt grabbed me and put me back in bed and my head on my pillow and I was out. Weird!!!

Around 3:30 I woke up again, this time completely sitting up and hitting Matt. Matt was even more groggy and asked what I needed this time. I guess I started patting the bed where I always change Cooper's diaper and told Matt that I needed to change his diaper :) Matt didn't think it was funny at all and told me that he didn't have a diaper. I was very frustrated with him and told him that he did, and that it needed to be changed. I told him that I needed the practice. He told me that I changed Cooper's diapers all the time and that I didn't need any more practice. I then told him that there was an older kid in our primary that still wasn't potty trained and that I was now responsible for changing his diapers (not true). So...I needed practice changing a big diaper. Makes since right... I guess I was pretty persistent telling Matt that I really needed to change his diaper. At this point, I woke up and realized what I was saying. I started laughing so hard. I was rocking back and forth while Matt rolled over and didn't make a sound. It only was about 30 seconds later and I was back asleep.

At 4:30 I woke Matt up to make Cooper his bottle and he wouldn't wake up for me. It was like pulling teeth to get him up which was really unusual. Later that morning at 5:30 I woke up to get ready for work and realized what had happened during the night and was laughing the whole time I was getting ready. I had to wake Matt up to see if it was true. So at 6:30 I woke Matt up to see if that really happened. Needless to say, Matt wasn't very happy with me. He is still doesn't think any of this is funny. The poor guy. Hopefully he will think it is funny soon.


  1. haha! that is so funny! you crack me up.

  2. That is hilarious! I love that you wanted to change Matt's diaper. haha.
